Which kind of a traveler are you?

Lately, I’ve been receiving queries from friends who have seen my indulging posts on social media during my road trips. I enjoy sharing details about destinations, road trip preparations, and dos and don’ts. However, since 2015, a peculiar bug has infected me and my wife, transforming our travels into something entirely different.

This infectious bug, colloquially known as the “Roadtrip Bug” or ‘सड़कभ्रमण कीड़ा’ in Hindi, doesn’t manifest physically. There are no visible marks or symptoms, but its impact is profound. Once bitten, the bug’s mysterious poison seeps into the bloodstream, quickly reaching the brain and infecting the mind irreversibly. To this day, no antidote has been discovered, and its contagiousness remains a mystery. Let’s keep a keen eye out for the affected—sorry, the infected—among us. This infection is commonly referred to as “Roadtrip Fixation Fever” or ‘सड़कभ्रमण निर्धारण रोग’ in Hindi.

Every traveler should embark on their journeys with a mindset that suits their personal preferences. Based on conscious choices and covertly learned experiences, here are a few insights and observations about fellow travelers that may help you identify your own travel style and plan road trips accordingly.

Types of Travelers


Tourists are travelers with a specific checklist of places to visit and check off. They typically prioritize popular destinations with high ratings, thanks to the convenience of online information. Tourists prefer clear-cut details about locations, opening hours, and ticket prices. Less popular places, ambiguous information, or lower ratings usually don’t make it onto their itineraries.
Tourists find comfort in crowds and become anxious when isolated. They often strive to be at the front of queues and can appear impatient. Collecting souvenirs from visited places is a common practice for tourists, adorning their living rooms, cupboards, and walls.


Explorers are travelers who embark on trips with a plan and a detailed road map. While they appreciate tourist attractions, their hearts lie in discovering new, off-the-beaten-path destinations that have the potential to become popular in the future. Explorers cherish quiet and serene places they stumble upon during their journeys. They also enjoy interacting with locals along secluded, narrow stretches off the main roads. Explorers strike a balance between visiting well-known tourist spots and uncovering unique experiences not found in guidebooks.


Wanderers are travelers who set out with a sense of hope and a deep-seated belief that they will reach their intended destinations. They do not adhere to specific plans or itineraries, preferring to travel freely between destinations. They embrace the flexibility and unpredictability of the road. Wanderers are neither rushed nor inclined to make prior bookings, and they can sleep anywhere, be it in their car, under a tree, in a temple, a basic room, or the homes of newfound friends. While the idea of wandering may intimidate city-dwellers, wanderers serve as a bridge connecting explorers and pilgrims.


Pilgrims are travelers on a sacred journey while exploring the world. Some find joy in visiting religious sites, while others seek soulful experiences in places where nature speaks to them. The former is rooted in their belief in God, while the latter draws inspiration from the enigmatic forces of the universe. Although these two paths differ greatly, they share a connection based on faith in a higher power that transcends human understanding.

Pilgrim travelers may be viewed as irrational or foolish by those with a strictly scientific mindset. Nevertheless, they find metaphysical experiences during their trips that are deeply soul-stirring.


Instagrammers represent a new breed of travelers who venture out to capture photographs, intending to share them on social media platforms, particularly Instagram and Facebook. They capture anything visually appealing and enhance their images through retakes, cropping, composition, and filters. Dressing fashionably, savoring well-presented dishes, and staying in visually captivating accommodations are important to them. They believe that if they can’t showcase it, it’s not worth experiencing. Although their influence on their followers has significantly boosted the tourism industry, we should appreciate and respect them, embracing their hashtags and artful presentation, as they help guide us toward and away from certain destinations.


Budgeters are travelers who prioritize value for money. They are adept at finding the best deals and meticulously trimming unnecessary expenses from their trips. Their budgets dictate travel companions, frequency, destinations, transportation options, and how they allocate funds. Budgeters excel at optimizing space, time, and financial resources. They often combine their travels with professional work or personal projects, inspiring us all to seek efficiency in our own trips.

Whether you travel for leisure, adventure, thrills, or luxury, there is always room to be mindful and soulful. While some may strictly identify with a single traveler type, embracing a combination of these personas can make us truly road trip-ready.

Remember, travel can transport us not only across the physical world but also within the recesses of our minds. During these internal journeys, we can traverse vast distances, across oceans and skies, through the passage of time, encountering people both departed and unborn—all while comfortably sipping a nice cup of coffee in an armchair at home on a lazy day.

So, which kind of traveler are you? Do you know?

If you liked this post, then you may consider reading What kind of a traveller are you?, UK Expedition June-2023 and Not all also

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