Roti Kapda Makaan – The modern context

When it comes to untangling the enigmas of life, us folks in India have been reminded time and again that in order to attain personal independence, we ought to first focus on the trio of ‘Roti Kapda Makaan’ (food, clothing, shelter). Ah, there is loads of wisdom, and even more loads of struggles, hidden in the pursuit of these! While in the quest, it might be helpful to transform our journey for ‘Roti Kapda Makaan’ into a logical and purposeful expedition. Perhaps this could be done by defining ‘Roti Kapda Makaan’ in a context in which ambition is given wings to soar higher grounds through modern concepts and metrics. The traditional definition of ‘Roti Kapda Makaan’ (food, clothing. shelter) serves us well for our survival needs, however the new world we are marching towards needs wings to soar beyond survival. Here we go…


Return On Time Invested

Let’s start with ROTI, which is traditionally associated with food for survival.

We know that independent people must find their own way to put food on the table, not just for themselves but for their dependents as well. In an aspirational world, survival alone doesn’t quite cut it, therefore, it is time for a fresh definition of ROTI—welcome to the era of “Return On Time Invested.”

Picture this: our precious time’s value is measured in terms of productivity and efficiency of use. A higher ROTI demands that we deploy less time to achieve our goals. Being efficient with time helps to free-up hours to pursue the next bigger goal. While optimising ROTI, we must have two constants – product quality and personal health, both of which should be in good levels, preferably in top percentile. Hence the path to a higher ROTI is no walk in the park.

Our time often finds itself entangled in fulfilling someone else’s goals, or is lost in the labyrinth of never-ending social media feeds, or binging on entertaining apps. By bettering our ROTI, we have time to upgrade our skills and choices in all our pursuits.

ROTI = Return On Time Invested


Now, let’s turn our attention to KAPDA, which is traditionally linked to clothing, wealth, status, and civility.

An independent person must strive to earn their own place in society, by enhancing their status and embracing a civil life not just for themselves but for those under their care. Alas, in modern times, achieving such goals proves to be a formidable task. Our fast-paced lifestyles, the demands of societal norms, and the pursuit of sustainable profitable results make KAPDA a challenge. Perhaps a new definition may help to find KAPDA. Behold, the birth of the contemporary definition of KAPDA – “KRA, Ability, Potential, Discipline, Access”. Kapda is about knowing our Key Result Areas as explained below:

K – KRA (Key Result Area): KRA is commonly used in performance management and goal-setting. It refers to a specific core aspect of a job, or any activity, that directly contributes to the achievement of objectives. In essence, KRAs are the primary areas requiring focus to channelise time and efforts for achieving specific results. KRA is achieved through ‘APDA’ in ‘KAPDA’.

A – Ability: Ability is one’s own capabilities and capacity through education and skilling in a few specific domains.

P – Potential: Potential is the alignment of Ability with its requirement in the real world. Ability that has little Potential in the real world can still be a hobby, however Ability with Potential in the real world is a must have for us in the ‘Ability Portfolio’. Therefore, the development of Ability(s) aligned with its Potential is worth the pursuit.

D – Discipline: Discipline is the determination and the drive we need to develop to ensure Ability meets its Potential. A journey sans Discipline may make us lucky once or twice, however for repeat successes and mastery of a domain, discipline is a strong ally.

A – Access: Access is the ability to create ‘Time’ for what needs our focus. It is a conscious exercise to free up time to be invested in a disciplined manner to help build and take Ability to its Potential. It gets better as ROTI gets better.

KAPDA = KRA, Ability, Potential, Discipline, Access


MAKAAN is traditionally a symbol of housing and security.

Most of us would be happy and secure in a place that exudes peace, security and ensures growth for themselves and for all those connected to us.

MAKAAN may not be necessary for survival, but it is a pivotal milestone where one begins to feel complete. A stable MAKAAN demands continuous monitoring, a steadfast commitment to staying true to the course, and keeping the focus on ROTI and KAPDA. The course is maintained quite well by monitoring with “METRICS* for Attitude, Knowledge, Ability, Access, and Network”. Let’s peel the layers of MAKAAN.

M – Metrics: Metrics are quantifiable measures, also known as key performance indicators or KPIs. They hold the power to assess and evaluate progress and performance in the pursuit of our objectives. These metrics find their application in various domains, be it personal life, business, project management, marketing, and beyond. They serve as our guiding stars, offering valuable insights and aiding our decision-making as we strive to build Ability and realise our Potential.

If we hope for the stars, then we must constantly monitor the trajectory of our journey through metrics.

A – Attitude: Attitude is that intangible yet potent force that sets the tone for our journey. It’s like a sprinkle of fairy dust, infusing our perception and response to the world around us. With the right attitude, we can summit mountains, turn scattered blocks into stepping stones, and transform challenges into opportunities.

Attitude needs to be assessed and calibrated constantly.

K – Knowledge: Knowledge is the elixir that breathes life into our aspirations and propels us towards tomorrow equipped with the right resources. It’s a treasure trove of information, and of wisdom, which can unlock the doors, thus unravel the mysteries that surround uncertainties. With knowledge as our friend, we can navigate the complexities and discover the boundless depths of most potentials.

Knowledge must therefore be assessed and upgraded constantly.

A – Ability: Ability is the unique blend of talents, skills, and quirks that make us extraordinary beings. It’s like having a superpower that gives us our uniqueness. Our abilities are the foundation upon which we build our journeys in the world. So let your abilities shine, my friend, and realise your full potential.

Ability is realised by taking actions to build and showcase the best of it in tandem with it’s potential in the world.

A – Access: Access is the gateway to liberation. It is all about breaking free from the constraints of ‘time’ and empowering ourselves to allocate our most precious resource ‘time’ toward pursuits that inspire and nourish the algo of the pursuit of ‘Roti Kapda Makaan’. Access grants us the ‘time freedom’ to explore, create, and grow, by unlocking a world of possibilities.

We need to create and monitor our ‘free time’, ensuring the optimal ‘utilisation’ of it, else time slips away and is gone forever.

N – Network: Network is the vibrant tapestry that connects us all. It’s like a web of interconnected souls, each thread contributing to the ‘collective growth’ and ‘well-being of the whole’. Our network encompasses our families, friends, colleagues, and communities—a rich tapestry that fosters collaboration, synergy, and shared purpose. ‘Alone’ we can achieve as much, ‘Together’ we achieve much more. 

A conscious effort to pursue building bonding relationships with family, friends, and extended fraternity goes a long way.

These ‘metrics’ serve as key performance indicators (KPI) in the various aspects of our lives. They include our ‘Attitude’ which guides us in our aspirations; ‘Knowledge’ which empowers us to embrace the potential in our world; ‘Ability’ which makes us unique; ‘Access’ which frees up our time; and ‘Network’ which fosters support, synergies, collaboration and collective growth.

MAKAAN = Metrics for Attitude, Knowledge, Ability, Access, and Network

In summary, let us consider ‘Roti Kapda Makaan’ with its contemporary definitions. Many of us are consumed in the pursuit of survival without perhaps focus on higher ROTI. Some of us drape ourselves in the finest KAPDA, getting more of wealth, status, and civility by knowing our Key Result Areas. A few may focus harder to have both, high ROTI and clear KAPDA, with the metrics of MAKAAN. In our journeys with its many twists and turns, may we all have our lives woven with the magic of conscious purposeful expeditions for ‘Roti Kapda Makaan’.

Image Note: Generated in DALL·E 2 – OpenAI, Prompt ‘a surreal painting having bread, clothing and a house, digital art’

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