Ego – That Three Letter Word

Since the past decade and more, my better half has been reminding me how my ‘ego’ gets the better of me. Ye ol’ married men, you relate to this, right?

Initially I would take offense at such remarks, fighting tooth and nail with my wife to defend my airs, but my partner is no pushover – she has the strength of a thousand warriors and the wit of a fox. For every ‘tooth and nail’ I have in my armour, she has a ‘jaw and spear’ in her’s! With her, I often feel I bring a butter knife to a sword fight.

Over the years and many a gray hair later, I learned to brush off her comments like crumbs off my shirt, but there’s always a nagging knock in the back of my head. I mean, sure, I have strong opinions and a drive that can move hills (!), but that’s not ‘ego’, right? It’s just me being me*. I agree that my opinions and drive may put some people I have to deal with a bit off-balance, but is this the same as me being an ‘egotist’? Nah!

One recent sunny day, my partner dropped a bombshell. She said that she has started to think I’m not an egotist, however, she added slyly that my shade of confidence and free spiritedness many times may come across as ‘ego’. Huh? After all these years and butter knife fights, I’m now getting a new definition of myself? Or, is there more to it than what meets the eye?!

Perhaps, it’s about time to take a deep dive into the murky waters of the ego and see what’s really going on. Maybe I’ll come out the other side with a better understanding, or maybe I’ll just end up even more confused. Either way, it’s time to face the music and dance. So, here we go.

In the world of psychology, ‘ego’ is the part of ourselves that has to deal with the external world and all the weird, wacky things it throws at us. It’s like the mediator between our primal urges (id) and the society’s expectations (superego). We may look at our ego as our personal assistant who helps us make decisions, solves our problems, and even manages our social life. Quite a multitasker!

But beware, my dear friends, for the ego can at times get a little too big for its boots. When that happens, we end up being like a hot air balloon floating off into the sunset with no regard for anyone else. It’s like saying, “I’m the star of the show, and you’re all just extras.” Not cool, not cool at all!

On the flip side, if our ego is feeling a little under the weather, we may start questioning our worth and esteem, and feel like we’re not enough. We start to believe that we were made to toe the line, thus experiencing feelings of inadequacy at not being in charge of our time and decisions. It’s a hard knock life when our ego is down in the dumps.

But, that’s not the end of it. Things are not so binary. Quite often, an expression of one’s confidence may be taken as that inflated ego which is too big for its boots. On the other hand, an expression of trysts with realities of life can be looked on as loss of self-worth and esteem.

Ego, in my opinion, has a good participation in the binary spaces, where it manifests as “too big for its boots” or as “questioning one’s worth and esteem”, but ego has very little participation in the non-binary space where ‘confidence’ and ‘normalisation and conformism’ rule the roost. If I leave my opinion aside, and agree that it is ‘ego’ all over, whether in binary or non-binary spaces, then it would be interesting to find the origins of ego and know where it resides in our bodies. Here again, let’s take help from our good old friend ‘psychology’.

According to our friend, ‘ego’ isn’t chillin’ in a specific body part like a kidney or a spleen. It’s an elusive idea that covers our thoughts, feelings, and actions like a cozy blanket. It’s like trying to catch a fart in a jar – you know it’s there, but you can’t really grab onto it. It gets even wackier. Some eggheads out there think that the ego is related to brain stuff. Specifically, the prefrontal cortex, which is like the VIP section of the brain, supposedly plays a big role in how we develop and control our emotions or egos. Sounds fancy, right?

But don’t go thinking this is all cut and dry. ‘Ego’ is still a hot topic of discussion in the world of psychology and neuroscience. Some folks are all like, “Yeah, the prefrontal cortex is the ego HQ,” while others are like, “Nah, that’s not the whole story.” Who knows, maybe one day we’ll figure it out, or maybe we’ll just end up more confused than a chameleon in a bag of Skittles.

While the wise ones figure out, allow me to shortlist a few prospective places in our bodies where ‘ego’ might be holidaying or hiding.

Between our ears

Alright, folks, let’s credit the “prevailing theory”. This little devil ‘ego’ is a construct of the mind. Yup, it’s just chillin’ in between our ears, like a squatter in a fancy apartment building. And get this – it’s all up in our thoughts and feelings, just waiting to turn them into actions. Sneaky little bugger. So, if we want to find this ego jerk, we gotta start by digging around in our own heads. I mean, how wild is that? We’re out here looking for this elusive concept that’s hiding in our own minds. It’s like playing hide and seek with yourself, which is either super impressive or super creepy.

Between our legs

They also say that ego is not just a state of mind, but it might be more. It could be hiding in between our legs. Yeah, you heard that right! It’s like a game of hide and seek, but instead of hiding between the ears, it’s hiding between our lower limbs. And while you might think that the ego is a boys’ club, ladies have also started to give it a run for what it is worth. So, we gotta search for that little bugger in the inflammation caused by excessive display of our masculinity or femininity. Good luck to you if your ego resides in between your legs!

Behind our back

Ego is just a teeny tiny little thingy that can fit in wherever it wants. For many folks, their ego resides in their back and helps them “cover their ass.” Yep, you heard that right again – their ego is like a security blanket that helps them pass the buck, point fingers, and bully others so they don’t have to take responsibility for their own deliverables and mistakes. But let’s be real, if our ego is chilling in our lower back, that’s a pretty toxic spot to be in.

In our gut

Let’s talk about ego and gut feelings, shall we? Some people believe that their ego is just a gut feeling, a sensation deep in their belly that tells them they deserve all the glory and praise in the world. But let’s be real, folks, the gut is a literal sh*tshow, home to all kinds of nasty bacteria and other unmentionable substances. If your ego is based solely on a gut feeling, then maybe it’s time to flush that toxic mess down the toilet where it belongs.

In our spine

Oh, ego, why did you have to go and set up camp in the spine? Now we’re all walking around like we’re auditioning for a ballet with our spines so straight and rigid. Thanks to ego, we stretch our necks out like giraffes, desperately seeking respect from others and also from ourselves. I mean, there’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting respect, but when it becomes an all-consuming obsession, that’s when the spine becomes a prime real estate for ego to settle in.

In our nose

Surely we have known that uncle and aunty who have their nose up in the air! Our uncle and aunty may express their snobbery either overtly or subtly. They believe they’re more deserving than others because of their privileges (e.g. wealth, inheritance, Dad’s job, etc.), or their fancy language (e.g. in India, speaking English cuts the ice) , or their genetic inheritance (e.g. colour of skin). Their ego may perhaps be residing in their nose. All that snobbery makes them look like they’ve got a bad case of nasal congestion. Traditional wisdom recommends that if one got a snort blocking the nose, blow it away! So, maybe it’s time for our dear uncle and aunty to let go of that ego and start looking at the world with an open nose and mind.

In others

We know that the planetary system has many moons, but only one sun. And just like the moon, some people choose to shine on borrowed light, making them seem like they’re on top of the world, almost at par with the sun. Whether it’s flaunting expensive outfits, bags, or name-dropping some A-lister, they love to bask in someone else’s glory. Oh, the sly ways of the ego! It finds a way to thrive, even in the shadows of others. Be ready when the sun sets and the borrowed light is gone. The inherent darkness and nakedness might just get revealed, however there ain’t no harm in making hay while the sun shines… isn’t it so?


Apparently, the holy texts recommend that we should steer clear of ego. The wise old books say that ego should not fog up our perception or decisions, and isn’t that the truth? We may all learn to appreciate the beauty and profoundness of the wisdom of the holy text someday. But until then, let’s not go all cold turkey and dump our egos completely. After all, we need a smidgen of that stuff to create a world where we use our individuality to help others, spread knowledge, and stand up for what makes us and the people around us realise their potential. That’s not ego folks, that’s just some good old-fashioned confidence and drive

I end with a prayer.

Of Lord, help us keep our ego in check, letting it not inflate or deflate too much.
Let our ego find its right place in our body.
Let our confidence and drive be not a poor substitute but a superior mentor of our ego.
Give us strength and wisdom to retain our individuality, and not succumb to conformism by normalising our struggles.
May we find peace in the ‘Me’ that is alive in ‘Me’*.
While at it, O Lord, bring sense to people who do not think likewise.

* Comparison to Swami Nithyananda’s ‘Me in Me’ meme is likely but avoidable :).

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